2025 ESP32 Development Trends | Master C11 Generic to Write Smarter Code!

C11 Generic is a powerful yet often overlooked feature in the C language. It allows developers to dynamically select the appropriate processing logic based on the type of input data, achieving an effect similar to generic programming.

For embedded system development (such as ESP32), this means we can handle multiple data types with more concise code—whether it’s GPIO level control, BLE data parsing, or WiFi message transmission.

With _Generic, we no longer need to write repetitive functions for each data type. Instead, we can create a unified generic API, making the code more readable and maintainable. This article will guide you through the mechanism of _Generic, along with practical examples to demonstrate how to implement an efficient generic API on ESP32.

C11 Generic

What is C11 Generic?

_Generic is a feature introduced in the C11 standard, allowing you to select different code paths based on the type of an expression. Its basic syntax is:

_Generic(expression, type1: result1, type2: result2, ..., default: result_default)

_Generic determines the type of expression and selects the corresponding result. If there is no matching type, it will choose the default branch.

Advantages of _Generic

  • Type Safety: Type checking at compile-time prevents runtime errors.
  • Concise Code: Eliminates the need for duplicate code for different data types.
  • High Extensibility: New data types can be easily supported by adding corresponding functions in _Generic.
  • Improved Readability: Makes the code logic clearer, reducing the need to worry about specific data types.

Development Environment

Before starting your programming, make sure to complete the following preparations:

Using _Generic for GPIO Control

We can use GPIO operations as an example to illustrate the benefits of _Generic. In ESP32 development, GPIO operations are very common, such as:

  • Setting GPIO mode
  • Reading GPIO state
  • Controlling GPIO output

These operations often involve different data types (e.g., intbool, or enum). Using C11 Generic, we can create a generic API to make GPIO control more concise and flexible.

Example Code: _Generic GPIO Control

#include <stdio.h>
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "driver/gpio.h"
#include "esp_log.h"

#define LED_GPIO    2
#define RELAY_GPIO  4

static const char *TAG = "GENERIC_GPIO";

// GPIO Initialization
void gpio_init_output(gpio_num_t pin) {
    gpio_config_t io_conf = {
        .pin_bit_mask = (1ULL << pin),
        .mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT,
        .pull_up_en = GPIO_PULLUP_DISABLE,
        .pull_down_en = GPIO_PULLDOWN_DISABLE,
        .intr_type = GPIO_INTR_DISABLE

// Control LED (bool type)
void control_led(bool state) {
    gpio_set_level(LED_GPIO, state);
    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "LED is now %s", state ? "ON" : "OFF");

// Control Relay (int type: 0 or 1)
void control_relay(int state) {
    gpio_set_level(RELAY_GPIO, state);
    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Relay is now %s", state ? "Activated" : "Deactivated");

// Control PWM (float type: simulate PWM output)
void control_pwm(float duty_cycle) {
    int pwm_value = (int)(duty_cycle * 255); // Map 0.0–1.0 to 0–255
    gpio_set_level(LED_GPIO, pwm_value > 128 ? 1 : 0); // Simple PWM simulation
    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "PWM Duty Cycle: %.2f", duty_cycle);

// Generic Macro for GPIO Control
#define gpio_control(x) _Generic((x),          \
    bool: control_led,                         \
    int: control_relay,                        \
    float: control_pwm                         \

void app_main(void) {
    // Initialize GPIOs

    // Test Generic GPIO Control
    gpio_control(true);        // Controls LED: ON

    gpio_control(0);           // Controls Relay: OFF

    gpio_control(0.75f);       // Controls PWM: 75% Duty Cycle

    gpio_control(false);       // Controls LED: OFF
    gpio_control(1);           // Controls Relay: ON
    gpio_control(0.25f);       // Controls PWM: 25% Duty Cycle

Code Explanation:

GPIO Initialization:

  • Uses gpio_config() to set up GPIO pins for the LED (GPIO 2) and the relay (GPIO 4).

Control Functions:

  • control_led(): Handles bool type for turning the LED on or off.
  • control_relay(): Handles int type (0 or 1) for activating or deactivating the relay.
  • control_pwm(): Handles float type to simulate PWM control.

Generic Macro gpio_control():

  • Uses _Generic to automatically select the correct control function based on the data type of the argument.
  • Clean and intuitive API, e.g., gpio_control(true) or gpio_control(0.75f).


When you run the program, you should see the following logs in the serial monitor:

I (1000) GENERIC_GPIO: Relay is now Deactivated
I (2000) GENERIC_GPIO: PWM Duty Cycle: 0.75
I (3000) GENERIC_GPIO: LED is now OFF
I (3000) GENERIC_GPIO: Relay is now Activated
I (3000) GENERIC_GPIO: PWM Duty Cycle: 0.25

Extended Applications of C11 Generic

Besides GPIO control, _Generic can also be used for:

  • I2C/SPI Data Transfer: Selects different transfer methods based on data type.
  • Logging System Auto-Formatting: Chooses different formats based on data type.
  • Generic Data Processing: Handles sensor data like temperature, humidity, and pressure more efficiently.

Limitations of _Generic:

  • No Runtime Type Checking_Generic works only at compile-time, so it’s not suitable for dynamic type handling.
  • Requires C11 Support: Ensure ESP-IDF is configured to use the C11 standard (ESP-IDF supports C11 Generic by default).


C11 Generic (_Generic) is a powerful feature in the C11 standard, especially useful for handling multiple data types efficiently.

With _Generic, we can create flexible and efficient generic APIs, making code cleaner and easier to maintain. Whether for embedded system development (ESP32) or general applications, C11 Generic can provide significant advantages to your project.