ESP32 Tutorial – Using FreeRTOS In IDF


ESP32 is a powerful microcontroller, and the SDK uses ESP-IDF (Espressif IoT Development Framework) to effectively develop embedded applications. FreeRTOS is a real-time operating system (RTOS) that is often used in embedded systems to achieve multitasking.


FreeRTOS is a lightweight real-time operating system designed for microcontrollers with the following features:

1. Multi-task scheduling: supports multiple tasks running in parallel.
2. Time management: Provide delay and timing functions.
3. Resource management: including mutex (Mutex), semaphore (Semaphore), queue (Queue), etc., used for communication and synchronization between tasks.
4. Low power consumption: Supports low power consumption management, suitable for battery-powered equipment.


FreeRTOS is a built-in part of ESP-IDF for ESP32. Developers can use the API provided by ESP-IDF to create and manage FreeRTOS tasks.

Install VSCode & ESP-IDF VSCode Extension

Make sure you have installed and configured the ESP-IDF development environment. You can also refer to the article the ESP32 Tutorial – ESP-IDF With VSCode.

Create A New ESP32 Project

We can use VSCode's IDF plug-in to create a new ESP32 project. Please refer to ESP32 Tutorial – How To Create An ESP32 Project With VSCode.

Coding main.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/timers.h"
#include "esp_system.h"
#include "esp_log.h"

// Timer handles
TimerHandle_t timer1Handle = NULL;
TimerHandle_t timer2Handle = NULL;

// Timer1 callback
void timer1Callback(TimerHandle_t xTimer) {
    ESP_LOGI("Timer1", "Timer 1 callback called");

// Timer2 callback
void timer2Callback(TimerHandle_t xTimer) {
    ESP_LOGI("Timer2", "Timer 2 callback called");

void app_main() {
    // Create Timer 1 with a period of 1000 ms (1 second)
    timer1Handle = xTimerCreate("Timer1", pdMS_TO_TICKS(1000), pdTRUE, (void *)0, timer1Callback);
    if (timer1Handle != NULL) {
        xTimerStart(timer1Handle, 0); // Start the timer

    // Create Timer 2 with a period of 2000 ms (2 seconds)
    timer2Handle = xTimerCreate("Timer2", pdMS_TO_TICKS(2000), pdTRUE, (void *)0, timer2Callback);
    if (timer2Handle != NULL) {
        xTimerStart(timer2Handle, 0); // Start the timer

    // Main program does not need further actions, can delete itself
This code creates two software timers, Timer1 and Timer2. These timers fire once every second, call Timer1Callback and Timer2Callback respectively and print messages to the serial port. This is a basic software timer application example that can help developers understand and use the software timer function of FreeRTOS.

Compile, Flash & Monitor

Find the "ESP32-IDF: Build, Flash and Monitor" ICON in VSCode to execute and burn.


We can view the printing results of ESP_LOGI on the terminal, as follows...
I (2301) Timer1: Timer 1 callback called
I (3301) Timer2: Timer 2 callback called
I (3301) Timer1: Timer 1 callback called
I (4301) Timer1: Timer 1 callback called
I (5301) Timer2: Timer 2 callback called
I (5301) Timer1: Timer 1 callback called
I (6301) Timer1: Timer 1 callback called
I (7301) Timer2: Timer 2 callback called
I (7301) Timer1: Timer 1 callback called
I (8301) Timer1: Timer 1 callback called
I (9301) Timer2: Timer 2 callback called
I (9301) Timer1: Timer 1 callback called


This example shows how to implement timing operations using FreeRTOS's software timers, which is an efficient way to manage timing events in embedded systems.